How to turn off collision in ParticleSystem?

Hi, i would like to create a parallax background with particles. I use a ParticleSystem that creates particles, the particles move downwards. Each particle has a different velocityY, but the problem is they collide with each other. I would like to turn this off.

So, does anyone know how to turn of the collision in a ParticleSystem?


Hi @joeyhoogerwerf,

By your description of a parallax background with non-colliding particles, it sounds like you may want to use a particle emitter , not a LiquidFun-based physical particle system. The LiquidFun library is inherently meant for particles which do collide in a physical manner, so there’s no way to disable that. The particle emitter object, on the other hand, is for visual particle effects… is that what you are looking for?

Best regards,


Totally overlooked that, it’s exactly what I needed.


Cool. Did you find the proper documentation for emitters?


Yep, I’m now testing things out.

Hi @joeyhoogerwerf,

By your description of a parallax background with non-colliding particles, it sounds like you may want to use a particle emitter , not a LiquidFun-based physical particle system. The LiquidFun library is inherently meant for particles which do collide in a physical manner, so there’s no way to disable that. The particle emitter object, on the other hand, is for visual particle effects… is that what you are looking for?

Best regards,


Totally overlooked that, it’s exactly what I needed.


Cool. Did you find the proper documentation for emitters?


Yep, I’m now testing things out.