How to upload to Itunes connect?

I did all the steps and  tested the app on my phone, now I don’t know how to actually push the build to iTunes Connect, do I need to create a new project in Xcode itself? I couldn’t find the answer in the docs.

I also have a problem where the UIStatusBar does not get hidden despite having the correct code for it. I have the latest build: 2955


-- iOS Section -- iphone = { plist = { UIStatusBarHidden = true, UIPrerenderedIcon = true, -- set to false for "shine" overlay --UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = true, -- uncomment to quit app on suspend

Anyone ?

You get better answers if you only ask one question per post.

I’ll answer the second one.

UIStatusBarHidden = true,

hides status bar during launch (it says this in the docs BTW).

To hide while the app is running, you need to call this on your code (somewher in main.lua is fine)


I managed to upload it but some issues occurred regarding privacy. The Corona docs should really explain the submitting  process. 

They cover the basics, but since Apple updates the process constantly, there is no way Corona could keep up.

Also, be warned.  The process will change so don’t be surprised if what you learned today doesn’t work tomorrow.

I’m not exactly complaining, because the process gets better and tighter, but in the years I’ve been doing this the process of uploading to Apple has changed over a dozen times in a major way (not including minor changes.)

Anyone ?

You get better answers if you only ask one question per post.

I’ll answer the second one.

UIStatusBarHidden = true,

hides status bar during launch (it says this in the docs BTW).

To hide while the app is running, you need to call this on your code (somewher in main.lua is fine)


I managed to upload it but some issues occurred regarding privacy. The Corona docs should really explain the submitting  process. 

They cover the basics, but since Apple updates the process constantly, there is no way Corona could keep up.

Also, be warned.  The process will change so don’t be surprised if what you learned today doesn’t work tomorrow.

I’m not exactly complaining, because the process gets better and tighter, but in the years I’ve been doing this the process of uploading to Apple has changed over a dozen times in a major way (not including minor changes.)