How to use maps in OS X desktop

I am trying to use maps in a cross platform app, works good on mobile devices, maps do not show on mac ox desktop. How can i use maps on a desktop corona app?

Please link the API docs here for the command you are using so we know what you’re talking about specifically.

What feature on this page? ==> ??

If so, please read:

If you mean something else, please let us know.  Thanks!

PS - If you didn’t already have a specific API feature in mind, then consider Google Services - Maps.  You can retrieve a map with this service on any device including desktop.  It won’t be interactive, but we’ll need to know more about your usage to help.

   – Create a native map view

    myMap = native.newMapView( 20, 20, screenWidth,screenHeight/2.5 )

    myMap.x = display.contentCenterX

    myMap.y = screenTop+myMap.height/2



    – Display map as vector drawings of streets (other options are “satellite” and “hybrid”)

    myMap.mapType = “satellite”


    – Initialize map to a real location

    myMap:setCenter( 36.174465, -86.767960 ) --nashville tn.

This is straight from the api , i declare the map (myMap) i need user to be able to request location , map to 

scroll to that, further user can request things, (cafe, gas station etc…) program searches database , gets coordinates and drops pin on map for requested place. works great on mobile devices, not OS X…

Thanks in Advance…


Unfortunately, as the documentation says, this feature is only supported on Android and iOS.  You can request the feature here.

 Thanks Perry, Just posted the request…

Please link the API docs here for the command you are using so we know what you’re talking about specifically.

What feature on this page? ==> ??

If so, please read:

If you mean something else, please let us know.  Thanks!

PS - If you didn’t already have a specific API feature in mind, then consider Google Services - Maps.  You can retrieve a map with this service on any device including desktop.  It won’t be interactive, but we’ll need to know more about your usage to help.

   – Create a native map view

    myMap = native.newMapView( 20, 20, screenWidth,screenHeight/2.5 )

    myMap.x = display.contentCenterX

    myMap.y = screenTop+myMap.height/2



    – Display map as vector drawings of streets (other options are “satellite” and “hybrid”)

    myMap.mapType = “satellite”


    – Initialize map to a real location

    myMap:setCenter( 36.174465, -86.767960 ) --nashville tn.

This is straight from the api , i declare the map (myMap) i need user to be able to request location , map to 

scroll to that, further user can request things, (cafe, gas station etc…) program searches database , gets coordinates and drops pin on map for requested place. works great on mobile devices, not OS X…

Thanks in Advance…


Unfortunately, as the documentation says, this feature is only supported on Android and iOS.  You can request the feature here.

 Thanks Perry, Just posted the request…