I’m building a game, and am using storyboard. On enterScene I call my display object lilEnem from another module. I can’t remove him from memeory when I change scenes, and I don’t know how to insert him into scene.view since it’s a separate file.
function level1:enterScene()
local level1Group = level1.view
print( “enteredScene” )
local function goHome(event)
storyboard.removeAll( )
storyboard.gotoScene( “mainMenu” )
local function pauseUi (event)
local pauseButton = display.newImage(“assets/graphics/gameplay/UI/pause/pause.png”, display.contentWidth- 25, 25)
pauseButton:addEventListener( “tap”, goHome )
level1Group:insert( pauseButton )
–Load and play game song when entered scene
– Spawns lilEnems
local function spawnLilEnem (event)
– Checking myData module for lilEnem ID
–Storing in local id
local id = myData.lilEnemId
–lil Enem will spawn in time math.random gives
local randomSpawnTime = math.random(0,5000)
–Calls spawnEnem Module
–Adds 1 to id to give each enem unique id
myData.lilEnemId = myData.lilEnemId + 1
–timer will call this function at random times
local spawnEnemTimer = timer.performWithDelay( randomSpawnTime, spawnLilEnem, 1 )
–When id reachs == number it will stop spawning enems
–Number is the highest numbered lil Enem ID
–This statement decides how many lilEnems spawn
if id == 5 then
timer.cancel( spawnEnemTimer )
–Call score from scoreData module
–score = 0 in scoreDate module
local score = display.newText(scoreData.score, display.contentWidth/2, 50, nil, 30)