I tried using the code that you provided and also the code from Corona Template (I know, they are the same) and it did not work (both in Normal mode and Debug mode). In fact, I modified your code to get accelerometers events and it also did not work.
I made some tests and I found that if I modify your code above by inserting the following lines, the Ultimote hardware keys (and also accelerometer) starts to work.
[lua]local function onFrame()
Runtime:addEventListener (“enterFrame”, onFrame)[/lua]
Does this make any sense? As you can see, my event listener function is empty, but the Ultimote only works if I add that enterFrame Listener.
As I said in the first post, I already used the accelerometer with success in the past and I did not remember adding the enterFrame event. I don’t know if this necessity of using the enterFrame appeared in the LuaGlider lastest version…
Well, just to keep your guys aware of this.
And thank you for making the LuaGlider, it is great tool and I use it everyday.
rsc [import]uid: 181011 topic_id: 35206 reply_id: 140119[/import]