How using myMap:requestLocation in loop

Hey, i want to use function myMap:requestLocation I tried using event.latitude and event.longtitude  in LocationHandler as marker myMap:addMarker. Function addMarker works well. But titles of markers don’t match. It’s in random order.


                        myMap:requestLocation(markerTable[1].adres , mapLocationPharmacyHandler )

                        myMap:requestLocation(markerTable[2].adres , mapLocationPharmacyHandler )

                        myMap:requestLocation(markerTable[3].adres , mapLocationPharmacyHandler )  

Handler:  (locationNumber=1 it is global variable and set before use of myMap:requestLocation)

            local mapLocationPharmacyHandler = function( event )

              if event.isError then

                native.showAlert( "Error "…locationNumber, event.errorMessage, { “OK” } )

                locationNumber = locationNumber + 1

                return false





                – In title and subtitle i don’t have set variable  number, “…”…number - this working

                myMap:addMarker( event.latitude, event.longitude, { title=markerTable[locationNumber].adres, subtitle="Nr. "…locationNumber } )

                locationNumber = locationNumber+1

               return true

