How verify all physics elements are "stable" after move


I have another question. Is there any method for physics engine that can validate that every object is done with physics and is stopped/sleeping ??

my situation:

I have soccer game and I need to change round after situation after move is stable :slight_smile:

greetings Przemek

Loop threw all your dynamic physic bodys (only those could be awake) and check for “object.isAwake”.

If all objects return false everything is stable. In order for this to happen you should add some linear and angular damping to all dynamic bodys.



this is how i wanted to check but I was thiinking is there any special method :slight_smile:

if there isint so it can be. thanks

Loop threw all your dynamic physic bodys (only those could be awake) and check for “object.isAwake”.

If all objects return false everything is stable. In order for this to happen you should add some linear and angular damping to all dynamic bodys.



this is how i wanted to check but I was thiinking is there any special method :slight_smile:

if there isint so it can be. thanks