HTML5 keyboard lose focus and image quality

Hello, I’m getting run difference on ios safari and mac safari

Please, test on desktop and mobile this link:

In safari mobile, after informing in the input field the email seems that Runtime stops working. If you minimize and go back, the runtime returns to work.

Second question:

What is the ideal configuration and build.settings to get the best quality images on mobile and desktop?

Could you please provide a simple testcase which demonstrates the issue ? It will help to fix the issue.

>>What is the ideal configuration and build.settings to get the best quality images on mobile and desktop?

Image quality depends on its size. The best quality will be in case when image is not being rescaled. 

Hi, I’ve put a minimum code and a video demonstrating the bug.

Note that the transitions.blink stops, after the “ok” of the keyboard.

Corona Version 2018.3273 (2018.4.20)

Thanks a lot for detailed bug report,  testcase and video. The fix will come with next daily build.


I am waiting to put my project into production.

Thanks for support

the problem remains if you tap “OK” on the ios keyboard.

Corona Version 2018.3274 (2018.4.21)

Reverted previous changes and applied another solution. Tested on iPhone X, works for me.

Could you please provide a simple testcase which demonstrates the issue ? It will help to fix the issue.

>>What is the ideal configuration and build.settings to get the best quality images on mobile and desktop?

Image quality depends on its size. The best quality will be in case when image is not being rescaled. 

Hi, I’ve put a minimum code and a video demonstrating the bug.

Note that the transitions.blink stops, after the “ok” of the keyboard.

Corona Version 2018.3273 (2018.4.20)

Thanks a lot for detailed bug report,  testcase and video. The fix will come with next daily build.


I am waiting to put my project into production.

Thanks for support

the problem remains if you tap “OK” on the ios keyboard.

Corona Version 2018.3274 (2018.4.21)

Reverted previous changes and applied another solution. Tested on iPhone X, works for me.