HTML5 Portals

Someone PM’d me asking where to publish HTML5 games.

I’m not an expert in this, but the info is easily enough available so I’ll just put some here as an answer that anyone can see.  This way too, others and add their insights and thoughts.

I hadn’t visited Kongregate or Armor Games in years, but I had a look at their developer APIs and I was pleasantly surprised to find that they both had easy to use JavaScript APIs. Since Corona’s HTML5 builds support JS files, it seems like adding IAPs and such for those sites would be a breeze.

We used to self host HTML based riddle games and just post them to for traffic. That was usually the extent of our marketing. In addition to the direct traffic, quite a few other archives crawled IAB for content so our links would propagate nicely. Then forum posts would crop up places like Nordinho and Facepunch by players posting walkthroughs or wanting to collab to solve something. From a single IAB link and absolutely no effort or monetary spend actually propagating the game, we’d end up with hundreds of thousands of daily page hits. It was pretty incredible.

Looks like that site isn’t around any more though. I guess people hit social media or the app stores when bored these days. Such a shame :pensive:

Reddit though, is a close second. If you find the right board and manage to get passed the usually strict rules and monitoring bots, you can reach a huge audience and see reasonable traffic in seconds.

Hi all, just bumped into this post as I was looking for html5 documentation to help out a Corona creator with his web build. 

Shameless self promotion: if you’re looking for a web platform to add your html5 game feel free to visit our developers page: Reaching over 30 million users worldwide and working with over 200+ creators, ranging from succesfull studios to indie devs, Poki is the most relevant web platform of today. 

Shoot me a message if you’d like to know more.

Hi @joep. Normally we don’t like promotional posts like this. However having a place for people to distribute their games could be useful to the community, so I’m going to allow it and leave it here.

In the future please use the “Other products and services” forum:

which is where we allow “off-topic advertising that’s useful to Corona developers” to live. If it gets too spammy though it won’t be welcome.

Hopefully I can find time to look into your site a little further.


Is it OK for recommendig external forums here? I know one that discuss not only where to deploy HTML5 games but developers share their own experience with portals. Regards.

As long as you post it to the Other Products and Services forum, clearly label it for what it is. Don’t make it spammy.


@Ron. Thank you for replying.

My intention is not to promote other forums. It’s just to answer @roaminggamer.

I posted about it in the sub-forum you told me to.

It’s title is “A place to discuss about HTML5 portals”.

Please, take a look at it and see if you think it is OK. If not, please delete it, let me know what I did wrong and and forgive me (I won’t do it wrong again).
