I don't understand why this happened... in apps worked perfectly, live, now they don't.

I tried to create a good title but couldn’t… anyway on to business…

  1. I solved all my issues with in app purchases, then delivered the package to apple and they approved.
  2. Became part of the corrupt binaries scandal of the App store, that occured on July 4th-5th. But after it was solved…
  3. My app went live and several people downloaded it and reported to be able to play it just fine, but the in app appeared as “It’s being modified, please wait and try again”.
  4. Trying to solve this, on itunes connect, on my in app purchase, which had a status of approved i clicked the top right button that says “Add content”, which created a “new version”, and set another status for the in app. It has two statuses on top appears waiting for upload, on red, and the next line says Approved. I can’t delete this new version, or do anything to affect the status it has.
  5. Next day, the in app purchases worked for most everyone (Apparently they just had to wait as the message said). They purchased the in game content, and itunes connect reported those sales. It was all good. I tried purchasing myself with a live card and account and had success
  6. Next day, i find and solve a small bug within the app and send it for review. I did not touch the in app code at all.
  7. Since it was critical i requested an expedited review, and got it.
  8. My app got rejected, because the in app purchases don’t work. And so i built my own Ad-hoc test version, and they’re right… They don’t work. With the message “Cannot connect to the itunes store”

What could have happened and what can i do to solve it?! I don’t even know where to start to fix an app, that used to work just fine…

My only lead, and i couldn’t be sure if it is a true lead, is that dual status in app purchase, with the “waiting for upload” status. But what can i do about that one?

And if it is not that… what then… [import]uid: 41025 topic_id: 28477 reply_id: 328477[/import]