timer.performWithDelay(10000, addRB(CurrentObject, r))
function addRB(ObjToChange, radius)
physics.addBody( ObjToChange, "static", {radius=radius, isSensor = true })
I call the addbody on collision but I add performWithDelay like it says we should. It gave these errors ayways:
23:47:14.206 test1
23:47:14.206 ERROR: C:\Users\semih\Documents\Corona Projects\Hope\main.lua:89: physics.addBody() cannot be called when the world is locked and in the middle of number crunching, such as during a collision event
23:47:14.206 test2
23:47:14.206 test1
23:47:14.206 ERROR: C:\Users\semih\Documents\Corona Projects\Hope\main.lua:89: physics.addBody() cannot be called when the world is locked and in the middle of number crunching, such as during a collision event
23:47:14.206 test2
23:47:14.206 test1
23:47:14.206 ERROR: C:\Users\semih\Documents\Corona Projects\Hope\main.lua:89: physics.addBody() cannot be called when the world is locked and in the middle of number crunching, such as during a collision event
23:47:14.206 test2
23:47:14.206 test1
23:47:14.206 ERROR: C:\Users\semih\Documents\Corona Projects\Hope\main.lua:89: physics.addBody() cannot be called when the world is locked and in the middle of number crunching, such as during a collision event
23:47:14.206 test2