I need tutorial for iAP and in app billing and amazon iAP please


How can I do make a code where the user click in “buy” and if is android --> Google app billing, if is iOS --> iAP,  and if is android with amazon --> iAP Amazon?

Other question, an app downloaded from Amazon can use the Google Play Store in app billing?

Thank you in advance,

Hi aitor.

For your 1st question, Please look at the tutorials and the Corona  IAP Sample Code.

For your 2nd, I cannot help you with that since my Amazon Apps are only for Kindle.

I’d recommend starting here:  http://coronalabs.com/blog/2013/09/03/tutorial-understanding-in-app-purchases/

Android apps downloaded from Amazon that are not specific to the Kindle Fire family can use Google IAP I believe.  Please note, IAP is available to Basic, Pro and Enterprise level subscribers.


Thank you Rob, I’ll go to buy Pro version for social (facebook, twitter…etc).

Thank you very much to both!!!

 I make the tutorial and all okay, not questions, now I would buy the license, a question, now for detect multiple devices, for example: if is Android = function_iAPAndroid(), if is iOS = function_iAPiOS.

You can use the system.getInfo() API call to get the platform and see if it’s iOS or Android and then use Lua *if* statements to call platform specific code.


thank you very much Rob!!

Hi aitor.

For your 1st question, Please look at the tutorials and the Corona  IAP Sample Code.

For your 2nd, I cannot help you with that since my Amazon Apps are only for Kindle.

I’d recommend starting here:  http://coronalabs.com/blog/2013/09/03/tutorial-understanding-in-app-purchases/

Android apps downloaded from Amazon that are not specific to the Kindle Fire family can use Google IAP I believe.  Please note, IAP is available to Basic, Pro and Enterprise level subscribers.


Thank you Rob, I’ll go to buy Pro version for social (facebook, twitter…etc).

Thank you very much to both!!!

 I make the tutorial and all okay, not questions, now I would buy the license, a question, now for detect multiple devices, for example: if is Android = function_iAPAndroid(), if is iOS = function_iAPiOS.

You can use the system.getInfo() API call to get the platform and see if it’s iOS or Android and then use Lua *if* statements to call platform specific code.


thank you very much Rob!!