I was trying to add a scroll view window and then add a tab bar inside it…
it does not report events properly to the listener function.
either I am building the scroll view window wrong, or it does not like not having the whole screen scrolling.
I have copied the example code that makes it fail. The background is off-white and that shows the scroll window at the bottom of the display. The scroll windows is blank but accepts clicks to the listener, but the events are screwed up and often come up nil. Has anyone done this before? I want to have more buttons in the tab bar than will fit the screen, and allow the user to scroll them left or right.
– main.lua
local widget = require “widget”
local appMode = " device : "
if ( “simulator” == system.getInfo(“environment”) ) then
appMode = " simulating a "
print(“we are” … appMode ,system.getInfo(“model”))
print(“usable screen is this pixels wide”,display.contentWidth)
print(“usable display is this pixels tall”, display.contentHeight)
print("StatusBar height is pixels tall ",display.statusBarHeight)
print("Usable height is pixels tall ",display.contentHeight-display.statusBarHeight)
print ("actual screen dimensions are: (H/W) ",display.pixelHeight, display.pixelWidth)
display.setDefault( “background”, 245, 245, 245 )
local function doNothing()
print(“here is where I am doing nothing”)
– function to listen to scrollView events
local function scrollViewListener( event )
local s = event.target – reference to scrollView object
print ("Event: ", event.type, event.x, event.y) – note what is happenings
if event.type == “beganScroll” then
print( “beganScroll event type” )
elseif event.type == “endedScroll” then
print( “endedScroll event type” )
elseif event.type == “movingToTopLimit” then
print( “movingToTopLimit event type” )
elseif event.type == “movingToBottomLimit” then
print( “movingToBottomLimit event type” )
elseif event.type == “movingToLeftLimit” then
print( “movingToLeftLimit event type” )
elseif event.type == “movingToRightLimit” then
print( “movingToRightLimit event type” )
local scroller = widget.newScrollView{
left = 0,
top = display.contentHeight - 52,
width = display.contentWidth,
--height = display.contentHeight,
height = 52,
scrollWidth = 1000,
scrollHeight = 100,
listener = scrollViewListener
– Create buttons table for the tab bar
local tabButtons = {
width = 32, height = 32,
defaultFile = “assets/tabIcon.png”,
overFile = “assets/tabIcon-down.png”,
label = “Screen 1”,
onPress = function() doNothing(); end,
selected = true
width = 32, height = 32,
defaultFile = “assets/tabIcon.png”,
overFile = “assets/tabIcon-down.png”,
label = “Screen 2”,
onPress = function() doNothing(); end,
width = 32, height = 32,
defaultFile = “assets/tabIcon.png”,
overFile = “assets/tabIcon-down.png”,
label = “Screen 3”,
onPress = function() doNothing(); end,
width = 32, height = 32,
defaultFile = “assets/tabIcon.png”,
overFile = “assets/tabIcon-down.png”,
label = “Screen 4”,
onPress = function() doNothing(); end,
width = 32, height = 32,
defaultFile = “assets/tabIcon.png”,
overFile = “assets/tabIcon-down.png”,
label = “Screen 5”,
onPress = function() doNothing(); end,
width = 32, height = 32,
defaultFile = “assets/tabIcon.png”,
overFile = “assets/tabIcon-down.png”,
label = “Screen 6”,
onPress = function() doNothing(); end,
width = 32, height = 32,
defaultFile = “assets/tabIcon.png”,
overFile = “assets/tabIcon-down.png”,
label = “Screen 7”,
onPress = function() doNothing(); end,
width = 32, height = 32,
defaultFile = “assets/tabIcon.png”,
overFile = “assets/tabIcon-down.png”,
label = “Screen 8”,
onPress = function() doNothing(); end,
width = 32, height = 32,
defaultFile = “assets/tabIcon.png”,
overFile = “assets/tabIcon-down.png”,
label = “Screen 8”,
onPress = function() doNothing(); end,
width = 32, height = 32,
defaultFile = “assets/tabIcon.png”,
overFile = “assets/tabIcon-down.png”,
label = “Screen 10”,
onPress = function() doNothing(); end,
–Create a tab-bar and place it at the bottom of the screen
local demoTabs = widget.newTabBar
top = display.contentHeight - 100,
width = 1000,
backgroundFile = “assets/tabbar.png”,
tabSelectedLeftFile = “assets/tabBar_tabSelectedLeft.png”,
tabSelectedMiddleFile = “assets/tabBar_tabSelectedMiddle.png”,
tabSelectedRightFile = “assets/tabBar_tabSelectedRight.png”,
tabSelectedFrameWidth = 32,
tabSelectedFrameHeight = 52,
buttons = tabButtons