I wanna move a native object more faster.

I wanna move a native object using CoronaView’s event.

  1. Drag object in CoronaView.

  2. Dispatch event to iOS native.

  3. Move a native object by the event’s x, y.

I applied below codes on CoronaCards iOS.

CGPoint newPoint = CGPointMake(x, y, w, h);

[CATransaction begin]; {

    [CATransaction setAnimationDuration:0];

    self.object.position = newPoint;

} [CATransaction commit];

It is fast. I guess current applied CoronaSDK’s native object moving. but it still has a little bit delay.

I wanna move it more faster. I want no delay.

How can I get it?

How much of a delay are you experiencing? There will always be at least a one frame delay. Speeding things up to 60 fps in your config.lua can help.


How much of a delay are you experiencing? There will always be at least a one frame delay. Speeding things up to 60 fps in your config.lua can help.
