I want to use a MiGameCenterSDK in Android.

Since we want to use this SDK, please tell me the procedure.

I thought that it can use to customize the CoronaEnterprise/ProjectTemplates/App but can not be used.

I put the jar in android/libs.
I put the MiGameCenterSDKService.apk in android/assets or /Corona.
I was inserted android.permission.GET_TASKS.

Then, to describe the MiCommplatform.getInstance().miLogin() and MiCommplatform.Init to LuaLoader.java Is it a mistake?

By the way, I tried to write “public void run()”, but in vain.

Knowledge is not enough to me…

Did you make any progress with this? I also want to use the Xiaomi SDK with Corona to implement in app purchases for MiMarket.

Did you make any progress with this? I also want to use the Xiaomi SDK with Corona to implement in app purchases for MiMarket.