iAd is not an appropriate use of Advertising Identifier. It looks as if the ads appearing are iAds.

My app was rejected because: 

“iAd is not an appropriate use of Advertising Identifier. It looks as if the ads appearing are iAds.”

​I pretty much copied the code from the example making the necessary changes.  Is there an issue Apple has recently developed with Corona?  Here is my code:

I’m trying to set my game up where I have a little ad that goes across the top of the screen at certain times.  I thought I had it setup but Apple rejected my app saying, " iAd is not an appropriate use of Advertising Identifier. It looks as if the ads appearing are iAds."


In my build settings I have:

plugins =


– key is the name passed to Lua’s ‘require()’

[“CoronaProvider.ads.iads”] =


– required

publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,



and in my main.lua I have:


– Include the widget library

local widget = require( “widget” )

– The name of the ad provider.

local adNetwork = “iads”

– Replace with your own application ID

local appID = “com.aslanendeavors.catchjack2”

– Load Corona ‘ads’ library

local ads = require “ads”

– Create a text object to display ad status

local statusText 

– Set up ad listener.

local function adListener( event )

– event table includes:

–  event.provider

– event.isError (e.g. true/false )

– event.response - the localized description of the event (error or confirmation message)

local msg = event.response

– just a quick debug message to check what response we got from the library

print("Message received from the ads library: ", msg)

if event.isError then

statusText:setFillColor( 1, 0, 0 )

statusText.text = msg


statusText:setFillColor( 0, 1, 0 )

statusText.text = msg



– Initialize the ‘ads’ library with the provider you wish to use.

if appID then

ads.init( adNetwork, appID, adListener )


– initial variables

local sysModel = system.getInfo(“model”)

local sysEnv = system.getInfo(“environment”)

local showAd


As you can tell this is pretty much copied straight from Corona’s example.  Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?

What version of Corona are you using?

What settings are you checking when you click “Prepare to upload” in iTunes Connect?

Are you using the facebook library/plugin?

I’m using version 2014.2189. 

In iTunes Connect, I am clicking Yes to Does this app use the Advertising Identifier.

I have Serve advertisements within the app checked.

I have Limit Ad Tracking setting in iOS checked.

Please tell me I’m stupid and don’t have to use the Advertising Identifier…


Are you using the Facebook plugin?

No, not using Facebook. The code originally posted was the entire context of the ads section of my code. Thanks for your help.

As far as I know iAd does not use the AdSupport framework, ASIdentifierManager, or the Advertising Identifier.

Therefore they are not required for iAd implementations and should not be included in apps with only iAd support. 

Others have gotten 2189 to upload to Apple and if IAds doesn’t use this IDFA, then perhaps you need to uncheck that in iTunes connect.  You may have to try several times to find the right combinations of checkmarks.

As far as I know the only people struggling to upload are using Facebook.


This is part of the Corona Example on ads.  Do I need to change testMode=true to testMode=false?

showAd = function( adType )

local adX, adY = display.screenOriginX, display.contentHeight

– statusText.text = “Working…”

ads.show( adType, { x=adX, y=adY, testMode=true } )


testMode is only a feature of inMobi.  The other ad providers don’t use this.


I went back and resubmitted my app to apple and the only thing I changed was checking the No box in iTunesConnect next to “Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)?” Apple approved the game and it is on the app store called Catch Jack.  However, there are no ads showing up in my game.  Every time the final score window shows up there is supposed to be an ad across the top of the window. The first line in my function that shows the final score window is showAd( “banner” ) and it shows me some apple demo ads on my iPhone when I copied the developer version to my iPhone. 

Any ideas why the demo ads would show up but the real ads aren’t? 

It can take a few days for real iAd’s to appear. The same has happened to me after a release.

There’s some sort of propagation delay on Apple’s end. It’s also depending on where you live, and their available iAd inventory.

You can log in to iTunes Connect and start the iAd module. Check to see if “Live ads” is shown.

If so, there’s nothing to worry about. After a few days you’ll start to see the impression count start to increase.

Thank you ingemar.  I was just going over and found the Live Ads is showing.  This is my first app and am quite excited about it.  I have a whole series of Jittery Jack Apps that are about to go live.

Thanks everyone for all your help!


Many ad providers, including iAds don’t always have the inventory to provide you the ads you expect.  The more popular your app the more likely ads will get targeted too.  If you’re running your own app,  you can tether it to your computer and use Xcode organizer to look at the console log and see if you are getting any errors or warnings like no inventory available.


What version of Corona are you using?

What settings are you checking when you click “Prepare to upload” in iTunes Connect?

Are you using the facebook library/plugin?

I’m using version 2014.2189. 

In iTunes Connect, I am clicking Yes to Does this app use the Advertising Identifier.

I have Serve advertisements within the app checked.

I have Limit Ad Tracking setting in iOS checked.

Please tell me I’m stupid and don’t have to use the Advertising Identifier…


Are you using the Facebook plugin?

No, not using Facebook. The code originally posted was the entire context of the ads section of my code. Thanks for your help.

As far as I know iAd does not use the AdSupport framework, ASIdentifierManager, or the Advertising Identifier.

Therefore they are not required for iAd implementations and should not be included in apps with only iAd support. 

Others have gotten 2189 to upload to Apple and if IAds doesn’t use this IDFA, then perhaps you need to uncheck that in iTunes connect.  You may have to try several times to find the right combinations of checkmarks.

As far as I know the only people struggling to upload are using Facebook.


hey party people

plugins =


– key is the name passed to Lua’s ‘require()’

[“CoronaProvider.ads.iads”] =


– required

publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,




when it says key is the name passed to lua’s require() 


does that mean



[“CoronaProvider.ads.iads”] = <app id here 123456789>


– required

publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,


As in, do I have o put the app id above AND in my main.lua? 

Been using corona for a few years,but never used iAd. Until today I started trying to figure it out from the iAd sample. 

Basically, all I want to know is what do I put in the build settings and what do I put in the main.lua for example.

Thanks in advance! 
