Our focus is getting iOS 8 and the new iPhones supported. iAds is plugin based and is something we can look at after we get a build out that support all of these recent Apple changes.
Our focus is getting iOS 8 and the new iPhones supported. iAds is plugin based and is something we can look at after we get a build out that support all of these recent Apple changes.
Hi Rob,
Just wondering if you have had chance to look at interstitial for iphone?
You are probably still busy with the iOS8 stuff so no worries if not… just keeping the thread alive
Hi All,
I have used up 3 votes for this request…
Please could you vote it up if you want this?
Added 3 votes.
Added 3 votes.
How many votes are required to get this done?
There isn’t a set amount. It’s a matter of complexity, engineering bandwidth, value to the community, etc. For instance there are somethings with hundreds of votes but is insanely complex, other things get done with fewer votes. The feedback site is just used for us to gauge popularity and isn’t an absolute measure.
Thanks for the info Rob - hopefully this will be seen as high value for the community. especially those wanting to earn money from freemium apps