It’s now very confusing about placing the ad at the bottom of the screen.
From dchan’s earlier post,
You’re correct they should align with the top of the ad and this has been changed.
Does it mean the ads should all align with the top now?
However, from my testing, it’s still not consistent, please see the following results for the inconsistency: (I am using the latest daily build - CoronaSDK 2013.2100 and my config.lua is 320x480, letterbox)
(1) If y = display.contentHeight, iAd shows at the bottom for iPad (because iPad’s display.screenOriginalY = 0), but for iPhone 5S, iAd shows above the bottom. For admob, it behaves the same as iAd.
(2) If y = display.contentHeight - display.screenOriginalY, iPad is fine for both iAd & admob (again, I think it’s because display.screenOriginal is 0 for iPad). For iPhone 5S, iAd shows at the exact bottom, which is good. But for admob, the ad shows above the bottom for iPhone 5S.
Besides, admob shows below the bottom for Galaxy Tab 3. (part of the top area of admob ad shows up)
(3) If y = display.contentHeight - display.screenOriginalY * 2 , admob shows correctly at the bottom for iPhone 5S, but below the bottom for Galaxy Tab 3. For Galaxy Tab 3, in order to show at the exact bottom, I found y = display.contentHeight - display.screenOriginalY * 2 - 63 would do. (I don’t know how to get this number, 63. I started with 50 & 66, and adjusted one pixel at at a time to get 63.) BTW, display.screenOriginalY for Galaxy Tab 3 is -16.
The conclusions:
(1) For iAd, it still looks like it’s “bottom-aligning”, is this final?
(2) For admob, the y value behaves differently than iAd, why is that? is this intended behavior? If yes, what’s the rule?
(3) For admob, iOS device & Android device seem to behave differently? How to correctly calculate the y value to place admob at the exact bottom for both iOS & Android devices?
Please someone shed some light on this. I am about to release a new version with iAd & admob before iTunes closes for the holidays. It’s a total mess right now. :unsure: Thanks.