Have you followed these guidelines? http://docs.coronalabs.com/guide/monetization/adSupport/index.html
Make sure you enable it in iTunes Connect (look for the Manage iAd App Network button and follow the instructions).
I was able to implement a rotating banner on my app fairly easily. Because Feather was my first free game, I wanted to make sure that it hit the ads correctly for proper monetization. I wasn’t sure if iAds worked in all countries, and I know iAds don’t work on non-iOS devices, so this is my implementation (Flurry Analytics event logging also shown):
My build.settings file:
settings = { plugins = { ["CoronaProvider.ads.iads"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { iphone = true }, }, ["CoronaProvider.ads.admob"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", }, } }
In my main.lua file:
\_G.platform = system.getInfo( "platformName" ) \_G.iAdsAppID = "com.company.product" \_G.adMobAppID = "ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx" ... -- set up ads local ads = require "ads" local adRelated = {} adRelated.seconds = 0 adRelated.delay = 30 adRelated.hidden = true if \_G.platform == "iPhone OS" then -- try to show iAds first, AdMob as backup local function adListener2( event ) local msg = event.response if event.isError then analytics.logEvent( "Ads: Error with AdMob service" ) else analytics.logEvent( "Ads: Non-error response with AdMob service" ) end end local function adListener( event ) local msg = event.response if event.isError then analytics.logEvent( "Ads: Error with iAd service, falling back to AdMob" ) ads.init( "admob", \_G.adMobAppID, adListener2 ) else analytics.logEvent( "Ads: Non-error response with iAds service" ) end end analytics.logEvent( "Ads: Initializing iAds service" ) ads.init( "iads", \_G.iAdsAppID, adListener ) else -- show AdMob first, no backup ad service yet local function adListener( event ) local msg = event.response if event.isError then analytics.logEvent( "Ads: Error with AdMob service" ) else analytics.logEvent( "Ads: Non-error response with AdMob service" ) end end analytics.logEvent( "Ads: Initializing AdMob service" ) ads.init( "admob", \_G.adMobAppID, adListener ) end ... ads.show( "banner", { x = 0, y = 0 } )
Surprisingly, I seem to be getting more hits with Google’s AdMob than iAds on my iOS devices, so there may be some hiccups with the iAds service, but at least I’m getting one or the other. You could also do something similar to incorporate all the ad companies.