Okay, Amazon have accepted one of my apps, so the new library is working correctly out in the wild.
I’ve updated the code on Github already, and I’ll rebuild and publish the Corona plugin version shortly (I’ll put a message up here when this is complete). The changes in the latest version of the library are:
* support added for Amazon IAP v2
* removed generateAmazonJSON() function as it is no longer required (JSON testing file can now be downloaded from Amazon’s website)
* fixed null productID passed on fake cancelled/failed restore events
* changes to loadInventory and saveInventory to add ability to load and save directly from a string instead of a device file (to allow for cloud saving etc.)
* added getLoadProductsFinished() - returns true if loadProducts has received information back from the store, false if loadProducts still waiting, nil if loadProducts never called
* re-declared two functions that were declared globally instead of locally
I’ll also update the documentation on our website when I get a few moments.
To use the new code with the new Amazon IAP library, just change your build.settings file as indicated here and rebuild your app. There is no need for any other changes to your code, so all you need to do is rebuild your app and submit to Amazon.
Let me know if you experience any problems.