IAP bug with Cider/Glider?

Hi all,

I notice the following when I run the sample app (InAppPurchase) on an
Android device:

  1. The transactionCallback( event ) method is called twice when I click on
    “Lemonade refill” button.
  2. Printouts of the first call:
    event: storeTransaction
    state: purchased
    errorType: none
  3. Printouts of the second call:
    event: storeTransaction
    state: failed
    errorType: invalidClient

My question is why are there 2 calls to transactionCallback( event ) and why
did the 2nd call fail? I checked with Corona support and they mentioned they were not able to replicate this issue. Hence, they suggested that I check with Cider instead.

Can someone from Cider comment on this pls? Or if someone else has encountered this issue and found the workaround, kindly let me know as well.

I’m using a full version of Cider and below are additional info.

Product Version: Cider 1.3
Java: 1.6.0_33; Java HotSpot™ Client VM 20.8-b03-424
System: Mac OS X version 10.7.4 running on i386; UTF-8; en_US (cider)
Ben [import]uid: 164013 topic_id: 29945 reply_id: 329945[/import]

The problem you’re seeing is has nothing to do with Cider and most likely something you are doing in your code. I would suggest posting your question in the main forum area along with your code that is creating the InApp transaction and how you are handling the callback. Others have this working on Android and should be able to help you.

-Tom [import]uid: 7559 topic_id: 29945 reply_id: 120120[/import]

Hi Tom,

I did not do anything additional to the sample codes that came with Corona SDK (Networking -> InAppPurchase). Namely, in function transactionCallback( event ), I just added statements such as the following which allows me to see what is being called on my Android phone.

descriptionArea.text = descriptionArea.text ..  
 "\ntransactionCallback: Received event " .. tostring(event.name) ..  
 "\nstate: " .. tostring(event.transaction.state) ..  
 "\nerrorType: " .. tostring(event.transaction.errorType) ..  
 "\nerrorString: " .. tostring(event.transaction.errorString)  

I first posted this as a bug and the response received was:
“It appears you are using lua glider/cider, which we believe is the cause of your issue.
We can’t provide any support for lua glider/cider as it’s a third party product, but you can avail of support by posting at the following forum: http://developer.coronalabs.com/forums/cider

Which is why I’m posting here. And I just tried building the app again, confirming that the double call to transactionCallback(event) is still occurring.

If required, I can give you a screenshot of what I’m seeing on my Galaxy Note (just tell me how to upload images).

Thanks for any help you can provide.

[import]uid: 164013 topic_id: 29945 reply_id: 120150[/import]


I looked up your case and they tried to duplicate your problem but couldn’t. They noticed that you have the Cider debug statement at the top of your main.lua file and thought that might have something to do with the issue you’re seeing.

I would suggest deleting the line:
CiderRunMode = {};CiderRunMode.runmode = true;CiderRunMode.assertImage = true;require “CiderDebugger”;–

and see if you are still having problems.

-Tom [import]uid: 7559 topic_id: 29945 reply_id: 120161[/import]

Thanks for your help!


Yes please make sure that the debugger line is not at the top. Also, please use the build button and this will ensure the debugger line is removed from your code. We will be releasing a new version soon that will address this issue and will perform additional checks to make sure the library is removed when you close the application. Also, when you run the debugger please make sure you click the stop debugging button before exiting, this will ensure the line is removed.

Sorry about any inconveniences this has been causing.

M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 29945 reply_id: 120166[/import]

The problem you’re seeing is has nothing to do with Cider and most likely something you are doing in your code. I would suggest posting your question in the main forum area along with your code that is creating the InApp transaction and how you are handling the callback. Others have this working on Android and should be able to help you.

-Tom [import]uid: 7559 topic_id: 29945 reply_id: 120120[/import]

Hi Tom,

I did not do anything additional to the sample codes that came with Corona SDK (Networking -> InAppPurchase). Namely, in function transactionCallback( event ), I just added statements such as the following which allows me to see what is being called on my Android phone.

descriptionArea.text = descriptionArea.text ..  
 "\ntransactionCallback: Received event " .. tostring(event.name) ..  
 "\nstate: " .. tostring(event.transaction.state) ..  
 "\nerrorType: " .. tostring(event.transaction.errorType) ..  
 "\nerrorString: " .. tostring(event.transaction.errorString)  

I first posted this as a bug and the response received was:
“It appears you are using lua glider/cider, which we believe is the cause of your issue.
We can’t provide any support for lua glider/cider as it’s a third party product, but you can avail of support by posting at the following forum: http://developer.coronalabs.com/forums/cider

Which is why I’m posting here. And I just tried building the app again, confirming that the double call to transactionCallback(event) is still occurring.

If required, I can give you a screenshot of what I’m seeing on my Galaxy Note (just tell me how to upload images).

Thanks for any help you can provide.

[import]uid: 164013 topic_id: 29945 reply_id: 120150[/import]


I looked up your case and they tried to duplicate your problem but couldn’t. They noticed that you have the Cider debug statement at the top of your main.lua file and thought that might have something to do with the issue you’re seeing.

I would suggest deleting the line:
CiderRunMode = {};CiderRunMode.runmode = true;CiderRunMode.assertImage = true;require “CiderDebugger”;–

and see if you are still having problems.

-Tom [import]uid: 7559 topic_id: 29945 reply_id: 120161[/import]

Thanks for your help!


Yes please make sure that the debugger line is not at the top. Also, please use the build button and this will ensure the debugger line is removed from your code. We will be releasing a new version soon that will address this issue and will perform additional checks to make sure the library is removed when you close the application. Also, when you run the debugger please make sure you click the stop debugging button before exiting, this will ensure the line is removed.

Sorry about any inconveniences this has been causing.

M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 29945 reply_id: 120166[/import]