I don’t have access to NSUserDefaults, i was wonder what people thought about basic security for iap.
I know its better to spend your time on app development then securing an app, i am kind of looking for a basic 5 minute solution
I know how to verify the receipts of my server, i am not going to do this because this app has all the content built in.
challenge: Basic security for iap local content
i was going to use the something like this pseudo code:
function appUnlockedSave()
local appUnlocked = encrypt(UDID..'mySecret')
local wfilePath = system.pathForFile( 'appUnlocked' , system.DocumentsDirectory)
local wfh = io.open( wfilePath, "wb" )
wfh:write( appUnlocked )
function appUnlockedCheck()
local rfilePath = system.pathForFile( 'appUnlocked', system.DocumentsDirectory)
local rfh = io.open( rfilePath, "rb" )
local data = rfh:read( "\*a" )
if data == encrypt(UDID..'mySecret') then
gameIsUnlocked = true
however because apple is rejecting apps accessing udid, and it doesn’t seam that i can get the mac address of devices.
any other ideas would be great to hear [import]uid: 89663 topic_id: 24358 reply_id: 324358[/import]