IAP not working on iPhone 6 iOS 8.2 Corona 2015.2582

My App was rejected by the reviewer because of this:

We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad Air 2 running iOS 8.2 and iPhone 6 running iOS 8.2 on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks.

Specifically, we were unable to complete the In App Purchase. After entering iTunes credentials, no further action occurs and the In App Purchase does not initiate. 

Have you encountered such problem? Is it Corona bug? Should I update Corona to fix this? I do not have physical device (iPad Air2 or iPhone 6) to test but seems like a Corona bug.

Any help would be appreciated.

Can somebody with iPhone 6 or iPad Air 2 can run this code

local t = display.newText( {text=system.getInfo('model'), x=180, y=55} )

in the main.lua on device and tell me the output? That might be my problem

Can somebody with iPhone 6 or iPad Air 2 can run this code

local t = display.newText( {text=system.getInfo('model'), x=180, y=55} )

in the main.lua on device and tell me the output? That might be my problem