Hi Corona Community,
I’ve been testing the IAPs on my app using a sandbox test account to see if the transaction will complete successfully.
In the IAP scene of my app, there are 3 buttons, each corresponding to the appropriate product. Each button implements an actionListener, when tapped upon attempts to buy the product by calling store.purchase( )
When the user taps it, it asks their login credentials (i.e. Apple ID and Password). But then, nothings happens for a while (no errors, yet no success message either) and after about 2 seconds, it asks the user to sign in again.
My question is as follows; would this equate to a success or a failure if this were a distribution build and the user was a real account (not a sandbox)?
Currently I am targeting Apple Store only, and will not expand into Google Play or Amazon until later.
I made a Youtube video to better illustrate when I am experiencing (video too large to post here).
Below is the code for the IAP section of my app (which is based on Corona SDK’s In App Purchase sample code).
Thanks in advance!
-- Only Apple Store for now local composer = require("composer") local store = require("store") local w, h = display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight --================================= Fields =================================-- local appleProductList = { "com.kcthomas.talesofchessia.100\_Manite", "com.kcthomas.talesofchessia.250\_Manite", "com.kcthomas.talesofchessia.500\_Manite", } local scene = composer.newScene() local viewGroup local status local buttons = {} local function initBackground() local background = display.newImageRect("background.png", display.content w, h) background:translate(w/2, h/2) viewGroup:insert(background) end local function initStatusBanner() local bannerGradientL = display.newRect(w/4, 50, w/2, 30) local bannerGradientR = display.newRect(3\*w/4, 50, w/2, 30) bannerGradientL.fill = {type = "gradient", color1 = {0, 0.7}, color2 = {0, 0.3}, direction = "left"} bannerGradientR.fill = {type = "gradient", color1 = {0, 0.7}, color2 = {0, 0.3}, direction = "right"} viewGroup:insert(bannerGradientL); viewGroup:insert(bannerGradientR) status = display.newText("Please select an item.", w/2, 50, "blackchancery.ttf", 20) status:setFillColor(1) viewGroup:insert(status) end local function newButton(product) -- Called when user taps on button local function buyProduct(productID) -- Attempt to buy item if (not store.isActive) then print("Unable to open Store: please check your internet connection and try again.") elseif (not store.canMakePurchases) then print("Unable to make purchase. Please try again later.") elseif (productID) then store.purchase({productID}) timer.performWithDelay(1000, function () status.text = "Waiting for transaction on "..tostring(productID) end) end end function buyProduct\_closure (product) -- Closure wrapper for buyThis() to remember which button return function (event) buyProduct(product) return true end end local button = display.newImageRect("button.png", 100, 50) button:addEventListener("tap", buyProduct\_closure(product)) return button end local function onLoadProducts(event) for i = 1, #appleProductList do buttons[i] = newButton(appleProductList[i]) buttons[i]:translate(w/2, 100 + 100\*1) viewGroup:insert(buttons[i]) end end local function loadStoreProducts() if (store.isActive and store.canLoadProducts) then store.loadProducts(appleProductList, onLoadProducts) else timer.performWithDelay(1000, function () alert("Unable to load products: please check your internet connection and try again.", {"OK"}, {function () composer.hideOverlay() end}) end) end end local function transactionCallback(event) local id, date = tostring(event.transaction.originalTransactionIdentifier), tostring(event.transaction.originalDate) if (event.transaction.state == "purchased") then status.text = "Transaction successful!" elseif (event.transaction.state == "restored") then status.text = "Restoring transaction: Original ID: "..id.." Original date: "..date elseif event.transaction.state == "cancelled" then status.text = "Transaction cancelled by user." elseif event.transaction.state == "failed" then status.text = "Transaction failed, type: "..tostring(event.transaction.errorType).." "..tostring(event.transaction.errorString) else status.text = "Unknown error" end store.finishTransaction(event.transaction) end function scene:create(event) viewGroup = self.view initBackground() initStatusBanner() if (store.availableStores.apple) then store.init("apple", transactionCallback) else print("Apple Store Not Available: please check your internet connection and try again.") end timer.performWithDelay(1000, function () loadStoreProducts() end) collectgarbage() end scene:addEventListener("create", scene) return scene