Identical Physics on different devices

If I set up a scene exactly the same on iOS, Android and HTML5 will they all behave exactly the same?

“exactly”?  no, definitely not.

the problem is the word “exactly” (because it has only one “pure” meaning, and admits no “fudge factor”)

“nearly identical”?  probably.  (if all initial conditions and subsequent inputs are identical, then simulation results will be nearly identical)  but box2d is not deterministic (covered here) and cannot be made so.

plus, the default when used in Corona is to use variable (framerate-based) time steps - which greatly affects the integration quality over time.  in fact, with variable time steps you can’t even get exactly same results on same device!

Wow, thank you, that is really good to know. You are very knowledgable. 

“exactly”?  no, definitely not.

the problem is the word “exactly” (because it has only one “pure” meaning, and admits no “fudge factor”)

“nearly identical”?  probably.  (if all initial conditions and subsequent inputs are identical, then simulation results will be nearly identical)  but box2d is not deterministic (covered here) and cannot be made so.

plus, the default when used in Corona is to use variable (framerate-based) time steps - which greatly affects the integration quality over time.  in fact, with variable time steps you can’t even get exactly same results on same device!

Wow, thank you, that is really good to know. You are very knowledgable.