"If you stored any emitter handles using GetEmitter()..." : precision

First, thx for your blazing fast library updates :slight_smile:

Reading the reference page, you repeat :
If you stored any emitter handles using GetEmitter(), you must set these references to the emitters to β€œnil” before you delete the emitters. Otherwise, they cannot be garbage collected and will remain in memory! So be careful when storing emitter handles on your own!

Code talking :[code]
local Emitter = Particles.GetEmitter(β€œE1”)
Emitter.rotation = Emitter.rotation+1

– the clean up
Emitter = nil
[/code]Admitting I don’t use local Emitter, is setting to β€œnil” necessary ?

[code]Particles.GetEmitter(β€œE1”).rotation = Particles.GetEmitter(β€œE1”).rotation +1

– the clean up
Particles.CleanUp() --only
[/code]Is that correct ?
[import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 6512 reply_id: 306512[/import]

Yes, Sir -that’s correct ^^

[import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 6512 reply_id: 22675[/import]