I'm so confused....plugins

I’ve been programming for over 10 years now and 6+ languages and I don’t think I’ve ever been this confused. I’m trying to write a plugin but I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m trying to find samples or step by steps and nothing seems to exist. Even looking at the premade samples corona provides doesn’t help. Also the documentation is all over the place and trying to piece it all together is tough. You have to run all these different scripts that do different things and place files in X locations it’s just boggling my mind. One document says to always copy the “app” directory then another document says to start by copying one of the premade samples. I would be willing to pay someone 250$ to just create a simple step by step walk though on how to setup an android and ios plugin.  :wacko:

As simple as Corona SDK is to build apps is equally how hard it is to build plugins.