Image sheet calls and memory

Before I run some test I’m wondering if anyone knows how Corona handles multiple sprites calling the same image sheet - as in they each call the same sheet from scratch.

I have a custom sprite module where every sprite calls a new image sheet that might be identical the previously called image sheets. 

I’m now using hundreds of sprites instead of a handful and wondering if calling the same image sheet multiple times will increase the texture memory or if Corona “knows” that they are identical somehow and, thus, prevents texture bloat.


– every time I make a sprite it calls its own image sheet

local spriteInfo = {-- my sprite info}

–  “sheet” and “sheetInfo” are loaded from a table

local myImageSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( “spritesheet/”…sheet…".png", sheetInfo:getSheet(name) )

local mySprite = display.newSprite( group, myImageSheet , spriteInfo)


If I’m not mistaken, each texture is loaded once and cached, and this cached texture is used for other sprites, so the texture memory requirements shouldn’t be affected.

That’s what I’m hoping!

Oh, I just thought of something else.  If there are a bunch of references to an image sheet, it might be hard to control removing the image sheet (imageSheet = nil).