Before I run some test I’m wondering if anyone knows how Corona handles multiple sprites calling the same image sheet - as in they each call the same sheet from scratch.
I have a custom sprite module where every sprite calls a new image sheet that might be identical the previously called image sheets.
I’m now using hundreds of sprites instead of a handful and wondering if calling the same image sheet multiple times will increase the texture memory or if Corona “knows” that they are identical somehow and, thus, prevents texture bloat.
– every time I make a sprite it calls its own image sheet
local spriteInfo = {-- my sprite info}
– “sheet” and “sheetInfo” are loaded from a table
local myImageSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( “spritesheet/”…sheet…".png", sheetInfo:getSheet(name) )
local mySprite = display.newSprite( group, myImageSheet , spriteInfo)