Hello! I have this code to have an image sheet. Photo quality is good on all types of virtual simulator phones.
But image sheet on physical mobile phones loses its quality.
local sheetOptions = {
width = 300,
height = 300,
numFrames = 32,
sheetContentWidth = 9600,
sheetContentHeight = 300
local ballSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "images/alefba/sheet.png", sheetOptions )
local ball = display.newSprite( ballSheet, { name="balls", start=1, count=sheetOptions.numFrames } )
ball.x = display.contentCenterX
ball.y = display.contentCenterY+20
<< image sheet dimensions: 9600*300>>
This is a sheet image that looks bad:
This is while another image sheet with a lower number of frames in in another part of the program has very good quality in the simulator and the physical phone.
This is a sheet image that looks good:
Does anyone know where this problem comes from?