Is it possible the catalog.json can also be in another location? How can I force all plugins to be redownloaded? I’m asking because the build seemed to finish at the same speed without downloading anything.
@vlads @Scott_Harrison @alanFlickGames - The catalog.json file is recreated the moment I run the app in the simulator, even before doing a build. Any help is very much appreciated. I’M STUCK AND UNABLE TO SUBMIT MY APP FOR PUBLICATION (UPDATE) on iOS.
For clarity, this problem does not occur in build 3675. But now that I’ve upgraded to Xcode 14, I can’t easily revert. I’m using 3680.
You need to delete the Solar2DPlugins folder in home folder to clear cache
Build does not (well, should not) change plugins you are getting. I updated all the plugins yesterday to remove bitcode. I updated all plugins which contain facebook SDK which I could yesterday, but it is possible some other plugin has FB SDK, which I don’t have access too.
Deleting your Solar2DPlugins directory is a good idea. This will force redownload of all the plugins
rm -rf ~/Solar2DPlugins
If it still doesn’t work. Please, run this command:
find ~/Solar2DPlugins -path '*/iphone/data.tgz' -exec bash -c 'A=$(tar tf "$0" | grep "^resources/.*\.framework/$") && echo "Fameworks in $0:" && echo "$A"' {} \;
This will print all frameworks in your project. Copy output here.
@Scott_Harrison deleteing the Solar2DPlugins folder in home folder didn’t do it; I’ll try @vlads recommendation next
Fameworks in /Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/Caches/Solar2Directory/coronalabs/com.coronalabs/plugin.facebook.v4a/iphone/data.tgz:
It might be my IronSrc Facebook adapter, will double check there is no Bitcode
I just updated IronSrc and FB adapter and removed all bitcode
This appears to be working now