in-App Purchase: Android Studio + latest Google updates - Google Play Billing Library


trying to add in-app purchase to my android App.

I am struggling with two things:

  1. how to do it with android-studio build (Corona native) can I use the corona plugin? how to configure the license key?

  2. seems there is all these new in-App purchase implementation/configurations, has new Apps be implemented this way? and is corona plugin updated with all this?

Thank you

You should be able to use the Corona plugin. The license key is handled in the config.lua file, which is processed by native builds.

I don’t know if our plugin has been updated to the new library or not, but the existing one still works.


Yep it’s working 

Thank you again Rob.

You should be able to use the Corona plugin. The license key is handled in the config.lua file, which is processed by native builds.

I don’t know if our plugin has been updated to the new library or not, but the existing one still works.


Yep it’s working 

Thank you again Rob.