In App Purchase - Invalid product


I am trying out the InAppDemo sample app. I have swapped the product ID’s - ‘com.companyname.appname.productID’ for my own which are set up correctly in iTunes Connect. The console informs me that ‘Item ‘com.companyname.appname.productID’ is invalid’.

I have used a different sample XCode app and this returned my items as valid, which leads me to believe this may be a Corona problem.

I am assuming people are successfully using Corona Store for In App Purchases?

Can anybody help please!? [import]uid: 73038 topic_id: 11892 reply_id: 311892[/import]

You just need the productID, not the com.companyname.appname part.

The docs need updating, I was stuck on this for a long time [import]uid: 61520 topic_id: 11892 reply_id: 47855[/import]

Thanks for the reply. I wasted about 4 hours on this one myself [import]uid: 95944 topic_id: 11892 reply_id: 74076[/import]


I think, its all about jailbreaking if other techicals OK.
I restored my iPhone and tested on iPod non-jb device, products are valid and working fine. [import]uid: 96683 topic_id: 11892 reply_id: 82947[/import]