I develop charging application.
As for the sample to show below,
it is displayed a button purchasing a product in the simulator,
a button is not displayed with the actual machine of iPhone.
The reply does not return from Apple Store, too.
local ui = require("ui")
local store = require("store") -- Available in Corona build #261 or later
local isSimulator = "simulator" == system.getInfo("environment")
display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )
-- Unbuffer console output for debugging
io.output():setvbuf('no') -- Remove me for production code
local titlecard
function showTitle()
if isSimulator then
local myAlert = native.showAlert( "iTunes Store not available in Corona Simulator",
"Offline testing: see console for output.",
{ "OK" } )
titlecard = display.newImage( "titlecard.png", true )
titlecard.x = display.contentCenterX
titlecard.y = display.contentCenterY
local bg
local validProducts, invalidProducts = {}, {}
local descriptionArea
-- Product IDs should match the In App Purchase products set up in iTunes Connect.
-- We cannot get them from the iTunes store so here they are hard coded;
-- your app could obtain them dynamically from your server.
local listOfProducts =
-- These Product IDs must already be set up in your store
-- We'll use this list to retrieve prices etc. for each item
-- Note, this simple test only has room for about 4 items, please adjust accordingly
-- The iTunes store will not validate bad Product IDs
-- Process and display product information obtained from store.
-- Constructs a button for each item
function unpackValidProducts()
-- Utility to build a buy button
function newBuyButton (index)
-- Handler for buy button
local buttonDefault = "buttonBuy.png"
local buttonOver = "buttonBuyDown.png"
local buyThis = function ( product )
print ("Ka-ching! Purchasing " ..product)
-- Purchase the item
if store.canMakePurchases then
store.purchase( {product} )
native.showAlert("Store purchases are not available, please try again later",
{ "OK" } )
function buyThis\_closure ( index )
-- Closure wrapper for buyThis() to remember which button
return function ( event )
buyThis (validProducts[index].productIdentifier)
return true
local hideDescription = function ( )
descriptionArea.text = "Select a product..."
local describeThis = function ( description )
-- Display product description for testing
print ("About this product: " ..description)
-- TODO wrap if necessary
descriptionArea.text = description
timer.performWithDelay( 2000, hideDescription)
function describeThis\_closure ( index )
-- Closure wrapper for describeThis() to remember which button
return function ( event )
describeThis (validProducts[index].description)
return true
local formatted = string.format("%.2f", validProducts[index].price)
local label = validProducts[index].title .. " " ..formatted
local myButton = ui.newButton{
default = buttonDefault, over = buttonOver,
onPress = describeThis\_closure (index), onRelease = buyThis\_closure (index),
text = "", textColor = {2, 0, 127, 255}, font="Marker Felt", size = 14, emboss = false
return myButton
-- Utility to build a restore button
function newRestoreButton ()
local buttonDefault = "buttonRestore.png"
local buttonOver = "buttonRestoreDown.png"
local restore = function ( product )
-- Ask the iTunes Store to initiate restore transaction sequence
print ("Restoring " )
local hideDescription = function ( )
descriptionArea.text = "Select a product..."
local describeThis = function ()
-- Display info in description area
print ("Test restore feature")
descriptionArea.text = "Test restore feature"
timer.performWithDelay( 2000, hideDescription)
local label = "Test restore"
local myButton = ui.newButton{
default = buttonDefault, over = buttonOver,
onPress = describeThis, onRelease = restore,
text = "", textColor = {255, 255, 1, 255}, font="Marker Felt", size = 14, emboss = false
return myButton
print ("Loading product list")
if not validProducts then
native.showAlert( "In App features not available", "initStore() failed", { "OK" } )
print ("Product list loaded")
print( "Country: " .. system.getPreference( "locale", "country" ) )
-- Show store UI
bg = display.newImage( "storebg.png", true )
bg.x = display.contentCenterX
bg.y = display.contentCenterY
descriptionArea = native.newTextBox (10, 0.7\*display.contentHeight, display.contentCenterX - 20, display.contentCenterY - 10)
descriptionArea.text = "Select a product..."
descriptionArea:setTextColor (2, 0, 127)
descriptionArea.size = 18
descriptionArea.hasBackground = false
local buttonSpacing = 5
print( "Found " .. #validProducts .. " valid items ")
-- display the valid products in buttons
for i=1, #validProducts do
-- Debug: print out product info
print ("Item " .. i .. ": " .. validProducts[i].productIdentifier
.. " (" .. validProducts[i].price .. ")")
print (validProducts[i].title .. ", ".. validProducts[i].description)
-- create and position product button
local myButton = newBuyButton(i)
myButton.x = display.contentWidth - myButton.width - buttonSpacing
myButton.y = i \* buttonSpacing + (2 \* i - 1) \* myButton.height / 2
-- create and position Restore button
local myButton = newRestoreButton()
myButton.x = display.contentWidth - myButton.width - buttonSpacing
myButton.y = display.contentHeight - myButton.height / 2 - buttonSpacing
for i=1, #invalidProducts do
-- Debug: display the product info
native.showAlert( "Item " .. invalidProducts[i] .. " is invalid.",
{ "OK" } )
print("Item " .. invalidProducts[i] .. " is invalid.")
-- Handler to receive product information
-- This callback is set up by store.loadProducts()
function loadProductsCallback( event )
-- Debug info for testing
print("In loadProductsCallback()")
print("event, event.name", event, event.name)
print("#event.products", #event.products)
io.flush() -- remove for production
-- save for later use
validProducts = event.products
invalidProducts = event.invalidProducts
unpackValidProducts ()
-- Handler for all store transactions
-- This callback is set up by store.init()
function transactionCallback( event )
local infoString
print("transactionCallback: Received event ", event.name)
-- Also available for your app to use:
print("transaction", event.transaction)
print("state", event.transaction.state)
print("errorType", event.transaction.errorType)
print("errorString", event.transaction.errorString)
-- print("testing", store.transactionStatePurchased, store.transactionErrorPaymentCancelled, store.transactionStateFailed )
if event.transaction.state == "purchased" then
infoString = "Transaction successful!"
print (infoString)
descriptionArea.text = infoString
elseif event.transaction.state == "restored" then
-- Reminder: your app must store this information somewhere
-- Here we just display some of it
infoString = "Restoring transaction:" ..
"\n Original ID: " ..event.transaction.originalTransactionIdentifier ..
"\n Original date: "..event.transaction.originalDate
print (infoString)
descriptionArea.text = infoString
print("productIdentifier", event.transaction.productIdentifier)
print("receipt", event.transaction.receipt)
print("transactionIdentifier", event.transaction.transactionIdentifier)
print("date", event.transaction.date)
print("originalReceipt", event.transaction.originalReceipt)
elseif event.transaction.state == "cancelled" then
infoString = "Transaction cancelled by user."
print (infoString)
descriptionArea.text = infoString
elseif event.transaction.state == "failed" then
infoString = "Transaction failed, type: ",
event.transaction.errorType, event.transaction.errorString
print (infoString)
descriptionArea.text = infoString
infoString = "Unknown event"
print (infoString)
descriptionArea.text = infoString
-- Tell the store we are done with the transaction.
-- If you are providing downloadable content, do not call this until
-- the download has completed.
store.finishTransaction( event.transaction )
-- Setter upper
function setupMyStore (event)
store.loadProducts( listOfProducts, loadProductsCallback )
print ("After store.loadProducts, waiting for callback")
if isSimulator then
-- No Store, so no callbacks, so exercise our GUI "manually"
validProducts[1] = {}
validProducts[1].title = "Lemonade refill"
validProducts[1].description = "A wonderful dummy product for testing"
validProducts[1].price = 0.99
validProducts[1].productIdentifier = "com.lemonadestand.consumable.001"
validProducts[2] = {}
validProducts[2].title = "Drinking glass"
validProducts[2].description = "Makes lemonade easier to drink."
validProducts[2].price = 1.99
validProducts[2].productIdentifier = "com.lemonadestand.nonconsumable.001"
validProducts[3] = {}
validProducts[3].title = "Daily dose"
validProducts[3].description = "Made fresh daily!"
validProducts[3].price = 19.99
validProducts[3].productIdentifier = "com.lemonadestand.subscription.001"
-- Main
-- Show title card
showTitle ()
-- Connect to store at startup
store.init (transactionCallback )
print ("After init")
-- Hide title card, run store
timer.performWithDelay (1000, setupMyStore)
Please teach all of what I should take to test the charging application in Corona (including store registration, the item registration). [import]uid: 161206 topic_id: 31361 reply_id: 331361[/import]