I just twitter the screenshots.
- Have you run the examples:
I h]( “External link”)ave run exactly the code from
iap_badger-master/example 2/main.lua
in main.lua
i just put
local store = require( "store" )
because I guess it’s necessary…
I Thought it’s a native lib and corona sdk says native libs are avaidable at enterprise. … but this is not true…
Am I right…
here is the entire code which I am running [ iap_badger-master ]…
put as I said to test
local store = require( “store” )
I hope this is more detailed as the old post…
Thanks for the advice…
--Example2.lua -- --Simple example of using IAP Badger to purchase an IAP for buying coins. --------------------------------- -- -- IAP Badger initialisation -- --------------------------------- --Load IAP Badger local store = require( "store" ) local iap = require("iap\_badger") --Progress spinner local spinner=nil --Text object indicating how many coins the user is currently holding local coinText=nil --Forward declaration local buyCoins10=nil --Create the catalogue local catalogue = { --Information about the product on the app stores products = { --buy50coins is the product identifier. --Always use this identifier to talk to IAP Badger about the purchase. buy50coins = { --A list of product names or identifiers specific to apple's App Store or Google Play. productNames = { apple="buy50coins", google="50\_coins", amazon="COINSx50"}, --The product type productType = "consumable", --This function is called when a purchase is complete. onPurchase=function() iap.addToInventory("coins", 50) end, --The function is called when a refund is made onRefund=function() iap.removeFromInventory("coins", 50) end, }, --buy100coins is the product identifier. --Always use this identifier to talk to IAP Badger about the purchase. buy100coins = { --A list of product names or identifiers specific to apple's App Store or Google Play. productNames = { apple="buy100coins", google="100\_coins", amazon="COINSx100"}, --The product type productType = "consumable", --This function is called when a purchase is complete. onPurchase=function() iap.addToInventory("coins", 100) end, --The function is called when a refund is made onRefund=function() iap.removeFromInventory("coins", 100) end, }, }, --Information about how to handle the inventory item inventoryItems = { coins = { productType="consumable" } } } --Called when a purchase fails local function failedListener() --If the spinner is on screen, remove it if (spinner) then spinner:removeSelf() spinner=nil end end local iapOptions = { --The catalogue generated above catalogue=catalogue, --The filename in which to save the inventory filename="example2.txt", --Salt for the hashing algorithm salt = "something tr1cky to gue55!", --Listeners for failed and cancelled transactions will just remove the spinner from the screen failedListener=failedListener, cancelledListener=failedListener, --Once the product has been purchased, it will remain in the inventory. Uncomment the following line --to test the purchase functions again in future. --doNotLoadInventory=true, debugMode=true, } --Initialise IAP badger iap.init(iapOptions) local function purchaseListener(product) --Remove the spinner spinner:removeSelf() spinner=nil --Any changes to the value in 'coins' in the inventory has been taken care of. --Update the text object to reflect how many coins are now in the user's inventory coinText.text = iap.getInventoryValue("coins") .. " coins" --Save the inventory change iap.saveInventory() --Tell user their purchase was successful native.showAlert("Info", "Your purchase was successful", {"Okay"}) end --Purchase function buyCoins=function(event) --Place a progress spinner on screen and tell the user the app is contating the store local spinnerBackground = display.newRect(160,240,360,600) spinnerBackground:setFillColor(1,1,1,0.75) --Spinner consumes all taps so the user cannot tap the purchase button twice spinnerBackground:addEventListener("tap", function() return true end) local spinnerText = display.newText("Contacting " .. iap.getStoreName() .. "...", 160,180, native.systemFont, 18) spinnerText:setFillColor(0,0,0) --Add a little spinning rectangle local spinnerRect = display.newRect(160,260,35,35) spinnerRect:setFillColor(0.25,0.25,0.25), { time=4000, rotation=360, iterations=999999, transition=easing.inOutQuad}) --Create a group and add all these objects to it spinner=display.newGroup() spinner:insert(spinnerBackground) spinner:insert(spinnerText) spinner:insert(spinnerRect) --Tell IAP to initiate a purchase - the product name will be stored in target.product iap.purchase(, purchaseListener) end --------------------------------- -- -- Main game code -- --------------------------------- --Remove status bar display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar ) --Background local background = display.newRect(160,240,360,600) background:setFillColor({type="gradient", color1={ 0,0,0 }, color2={ 0,0,0.4 }, direction="down"}) --Draw "buy 50 coins" button --Create button background local buy50Background = display.newRect(240, 400, 150, 50) -- buy50Background.stroke = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 } -- buy50Background.strokeWidth = 2 --Create "buy IAP" text object local buy50Text = display.newText("Buy 50 coins", buy50Background.x, buy50Background.y, native.systemFont, 18) buy50Text:setFillColor(0,0,0) --Store the name of the product this button relates to buy50Background.product="buy50coins" --Create tap listener buy50Background:addEventListener("tap", buyCoins) --Draw "buy 100 coins" button --Create button background local buy100Background = display.newRect(80, 400, 150, 50) --buy100Background.stroke = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 } --buy100Background.strokeWidth = 2 --Create "buy IAP" text object local buy100Text = display.newText("Buy 100 coins", buy100Background.x, buy100Background.y, native.systemFont, 18) buy100Text:setFillColor(0,0,0) --Store the name of the product this button relates to buy100Background.product="buy100coins" --Create tap listener buy100Background:addEventListener("tap", buyCoins) --Text indicating how many coins the player currently holds --Get how many coins are currently being held by the player local coinsHeld = iap.getInventoryValue("coins") --If no coins are held in the inventory, nil will be returned - this equates to no coins if (not coinsHeld) then coinsHeld=0 end coinText = display.newText(coinsHeld .. " coins", 160, 20, native.systemFont, 18) coinText:setFillColor(1,1,0)