Initializing location?


     At this moment I have a section of my app on a timer to get current location. How can I pull this when the app loads to prevent having to wait several seconds to make sure it doesn’t return an error? 

o.O I do not understand your question, but I know A LOT ABOUT GPS so I hope I can help you as soon as I understand.

Whenever a user goes to a section that pulls a database from parse based on location if I don’t use a timer to hold off on running getlocation(), then it returns an error and fails. I was wondering if I could call getlocation() early to have it ready for when it goes to this lua file. Or, if I can have it connect and run a loading screen until it grabs the user location. Instead of setting a timer I tried having a runtime listener and removing it once the function starts, but I don’t think it was removing properly because the map kept centering on the users location and kept pulling data. Would like to have a little loading icon to let the user know the app is actually doing something instead of them staring at a blank section until the data is pulled. Pulling from the database requires I have the lat/long first as well.

Code layout looks like this:

startfunction (getlocation -> grab database -> place markers)

timer (startfunction)

Also, how can I calculate the distance between two points. Don’t need to sort since the database is retrieved already sorted and placed in a tableview, but need the distance in miles. I found documents for calculating meters and sorting, which you posted, but need miles.

Nevermind about the miles section. 

Here is what I have for getting the distance. I am pulling the marker geopoints from parse and printing information into a tableview. Parse returns them in order so I just had to add the formula to calc the distance to add that to the row in the table. 

[lua]centerPoint = {latitude = currentLatitude, longitude = currentLongitude}

function distance(from, to)

      local radius =  3440.065

      local dLat = math.rad(from.latitude - to.latitude)

      local dLon = math.rad(from.longitude - to.longitude)

      local lat1 = math.rad(to.latitude)

      local lat2 = math.rad(from.latitude)

      local a = math.sin(dLat/2) * math.sin(dLat/2) + math.sin(dLon/2) * math.sin(dLon/2) * math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2)

      local circle = 2*math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a))

      local distance = radius * circle

      return distance


–In the for loop for parse geopoints
local marker = {latitude = lat, longitude = long}
local calculateddistance = distance(centerPoint, marker)[/lua]

Are you running the latest version of Corona? (Old versions don’t have a default GPS coordinates support)

What error are you getting? (from event.error)

Also, be sure to first get the GPS coordinates before you pull any data from a database.

Will this help you?

If I don’t have a timer and instantly pull I get ‘location unknown’ so I have a 5 second timer running to give the page time to pull location before running. 

I’ll give this a shot: 

o.O I do not understand your question, but I know A LOT ABOUT GPS so I hope I can help you as soon as I understand.

Whenever a user goes to a section that pulls a database from parse based on location if I don’t use a timer to hold off on running getlocation(), then it returns an error and fails. I was wondering if I could call getlocation() early to have it ready for when it goes to this lua file. Or, if I can have it connect and run a loading screen until it grabs the user location. Instead of setting a timer I tried having a runtime listener and removing it once the function starts, but I don’t think it was removing properly because the map kept centering on the users location and kept pulling data. Would like to have a little loading icon to let the user know the app is actually doing something instead of them staring at a blank section until the data is pulled. Pulling from the database requires I have the lat/long first as well.

Code layout looks like this:

startfunction (getlocation -> grab database -> place markers)

timer (startfunction)

Also, how can I calculate the distance between two points. Don’t need to sort since the database is retrieved already sorted and placed in a tableview, but need the distance in miles. I found documents for calculating meters and sorting, which you posted, but need miles.

Nevermind about the miles section. 

Here is what I have for getting the distance. I am pulling the marker geopoints from parse and printing information into a tableview. Parse returns them in order so I just had to add the formula to calc the distance to add that to the row in the table. 

[lua]centerPoint = {latitude = currentLatitude, longitude = currentLongitude}

function distance(from, to)

      local radius =  3440.065

      local dLat = math.rad(from.latitude - to.latitude)

      local dLon = math.rad(from.longitude - to.longitude)

      local lat1 = math.rad(to.latitude)

      local lat2 = math.rad(from.latitude)

      local a = math.sin(dLat/2) * math.sin(dLat/2) + math.sin(dLon/2) * math.sin(dLon/2) * math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2)

      local circle = 2*math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a))

      local distance = radius * circle

      return distance


–In the for loop for parse geopoints
local marker = {latitude = lat, longitude = long}
local calculateddistance = distance(centerPoint, marker)[/lua]

Are you running the latest version of Corona? (Old versions don’t have a default GPS coordinates support)

What error are you getting? (from event.error)

Also, be sure to first get the GPS coordinates before you pull any data from a database.

Will this help you?

If I don’t have a timer and instantly pull I get ‘location unknown’ so I have a 5 second timer running to give the page time to pull location before running. 

I’ll give this a shot: