InMobi not playing nice with GameCenter?

I’m trying to use“leaderboards”) to show my GameCenter leaderboards, but InMobi is causing problems. When I comment out the inMobi “init” line, it works perfectly. When I *do* initialize InMobi, it seems to take around 4 or 5 taps until the GameCenter dialog finally pops up. Without the init, it works every single time perfectly.

Anyone experiencing something similar? [import]uid: 51654 topic_id: 37494 reply_id: 67494[/import]

Nevermind. I found out why it’s happening:

If you request an InMobi ad, and it doesn’t receive one, ALL touches where the ad should have been are still ignored. So it’ll look like there’s nothing there (where the ad banner is supposed to be), but no touches can be received there. [import]uid: 51654 topic_id: 37494 reply_id: 145652[/import]

That’s an interesting find. I haven’t tested it myself yet, but I will. Meantime, I’m curious, if you fail to receive an ad, and then you call [lua]ads.hide()[/lua], do you still have the same problem (where touch events underneath where the ad would have appeared are ignored)?

  • Andrew [import]uid: 109711 topic_id: 37494 reply_id: 145663[/import]

Nevermind. I found out why it’s happening:

If you request an InMobi ad, and it doesn’t receive one, ALL touches where the ad should have been are still ignored. So it’ll look like there’s nothing there (where the ad banner is supposed to be), but no touches can be received there. [import]uid: 51654 topic_id: 37494 reply_id: 145652[/import]

That’s an interesting find. I haven’t tested it myself yet, but I will. Meantime, I’m curious, if you fail to receive an ad, and then you call [lua]ads.hide()[/lua], do you still have the same problem (where touch events underneath where the ad would have appeared are ignored)?

  • Andrew [import]uid: 109711 topic_id: 37494 reply_id: 145663[/import]