Install Corona/Solar2D on Ubuntu 18.04

Hello everyone,

Today was going to be the first day of my journey to start developing a game in Corona/Solar2D (actually first time to create a game ever!). So I downloaded the Linux distribution of Solar2D from github:

I have Ubuntu 18.04 myself. Will that not work then? Do I need to run it in a VM with Linux to get it working? Or will there be a new Ubuntu release soon? Because I get the following error:

WARNING: Cannot create path for resource file ‘build.settings (/home/JohnDoe/Documents/Solar2D/Solar2D-Linux-2020.3595/CoronaSimulator/Resources/build.settings)’. File does not exist.

Kind regards,

Thanks for posting this. I’m interested in the Linux version too - I think it would be faster than my macOS VM. I’m running MX-Linux.
When I was developing more actively with Corona, there wasn’t a Linux version. I’m assuming you could develop in the Linux version to emit Android apps but for iOS you’d have to take your source code and run it with Solar2D on a Mac, right?
A tutorial to get started would be nice.