Anyone else see this article on MSN today about LUA? Pretty interesting and kind of funny. [import]uid: 114389 topic_id: 26975 reply_id: 326975[/import]
Interesting article! [import]uid: 29181 topic_id: 26975 reply_id: 109445[/import]
“Lua is considered a kids language”
OUCH! [import]uid: 64174 topic_id: 26975 reply_id: 109458[/import]
Whoever cam cup with that quote clearly hasn’t got a clue. Yes Lua is a scripting language and uses high-level syntax, but you only have to look at it’s original purpose to realise that Lua isn’t merely a kids language solely for games.
It’s practicality as an embedded language, to me, means it’s ideal for wannabe hackers to easily embed within other systems - ala Flame.
Admittedly the rest of the article (with the obvious help of wikipedia) makes this quite clear, but seriously whoever came up with that quote really hasn’t got a clue. [import]uid: 33275 topic_id: 26975 reply_id: 109461[/import]
Those are what you call haters. Because of its simplicity Lua allows people to program who traditionally never would have. These new people are “invading” the programmers space who may have spent many years learning more complex languages. Kinda reminds me of when Visual Basic came out, a lot of people were saying the same thing. [import]uid: 31262 topic_id: 26975 reply_id: 109492[/import]