Interstitial crash on Android with Admob

Hello, when I try to show an interstitial ad the game crash and exit. Banners works well and I loaded intertitial succesfully but I can’t show it, I have tested with various version of admob plugin (from 34 to 41) but I can’t get it. Any suggestions?

Platform Android
Solar2d 2024.3709
minSdkVersion = “16”
Plugin admob from coronalabs version 39

The same code works well on iOS so…

I have a clue, the problems is I use gotoScene to many soon when I try to show an ad…so I have a timer to avoid this fail.

As I understand, when calling fullscreen ad, the background work of the app is suspended, and continues only after the ad is closed. At least, this is how I see it in my apps.
However, you can use forced transition to the next scene on the “closed” event phase of adListener.

@yankenator Thanks for your reply, It’s exactly was I did.

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