Hello everyone, I would like to first take a moment to thank Corona for the space to allow us to share with other Corona developers, what some have already found - LunarAds.
What is LunarAds?
LunarAds is a place where Corona developers can monetize their apps, cross promote their apps, and monitor traffic to their apps - all in one very easy to use SDK build specifically for Corona users.
How do I sign up?
http://lunarads.com/signup - it’s free!
How do I install the Corona SDK?
Drag the lunar.lua file into your project which you can get here https://lunarads.com /downloads/Lunar_Ads_Corona.zip
Create a new channel for your app, put put your Channel ID and publisher ID into the code below to include in your Corona / lua code
APP_VERSION = “1.5” – optional parameter (your own app build version)
– Note: if x and y supplied, Halign and Valign will be ignored
lunar.showLunar ({
–x = 0,
–y = 0,
Halign = “center”,
Valign = “bottom”,
appver = APP_VERSION,
Single SDK
Imagine never having to post an app update just to support features in a particular ad network, or to test the performance of an affiliate in your app? Using the Lunar Ad engine we automatically supply updates and network features into our SDK by sending your app the latest SDK for each ad network (if needed) as it’s requested. So you don’t need to be always updating to incorporate new ad networks or change your monetization strategy.
Best of all, you choose which ad networks you want to use, change them anytime, and take advantage of new networks that get added just by approving them in your channel preferences.
Cross Promote Your Apps
You can either cross promote with other developers, or just promote your own apps -it’s up to you.
You create ads to show in the cross promotion network, then inside your app channels you either select to display any ad relative to your app, or just your own.
We even support Interstitials.
Multiple Ad Formats
LunarAds support many ad formats including, banners, Interstitials, and more. No need to set parameters in your layout files either. We send everything the ad needs in order to display correctly in your app without any need for customizing layout files, etc. Just call Lunar ad code from anywhere you want the ads to appear and we take care of the rest.
Mediation by You
We are NOT your traditional ad mediation platform. We DO NOT take money from your ads, and we don’t pay you for showing ads. Lunar Ads is simply a service platform you get to use to display whichever ad network you choose from the selected networks we support. YOU collect all of the money from the networks directly, we don’t take a single penny. Your payouts are based on what you and the networks have agreed on.
Our reports let you compare the performance of ad network side by side!
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