Introductory price information for iOS in-app-subscriptions


Is there support for getting introductory price information for in-app-subscriptions?
when we use store.loadProducts, we get the list of all available in-app purchases defined in iTunes. If we have defined an introductory price in iTunes for one of our subscriptions, can we expect to get the introductory price information? Note, we currently use the old store API, not the plug-in version.

The relevant snippet from Apple description on this matter:

  1. Retrieve localized information from the App Store about a specified list of subscription products using the SKProductsRequest class. Products that have an available discount defined in App Store Connect always include an introductoryPrice object.
  2. Use the properties in the introductoryPrice object to display the discounted price for the subscription. Based on the type of the introductory offer (represented by SKProductDiscount.PaymentMode, display a UI that describes the offer accordingly.

snippet taken from this page: