I am getting this error from TestFlight:
“Invalid IPA: Keychain-access-group in the embedded.mobileprovision doesn’t match your binary.”
And this from XCode when I try to drop my .app onto my device:
_ Invalid signature. _
I recently (a month ago or more) changed my Apple ID email address and everything seems to have been fine since. I do not have the very latest XCode version, but it’s been kept up to date so far.
I have also cleaned and refreshed all the certificates on my machine and iOS developer account, refreshed or recreated the app IDs and provisioning profiles.
As a test, I completely re-requested for a new certificate and created an entirely new app definition all the way through to provisioning profile and yet I still get this problem.
I have googled and found these links which appear to be useful but as I know little about the process they are referring to:
AFAIK Corona is handling all the XCode command line work for me and so I cannot change the identity that these posts are referring to.
Can anyone suggest how I can get to building binaries that will install on device again, please?