Invite friends in graph 2.0

Hi, I was wondering what the best option is to invite Facebook friends in Graph 2.0

If you get /me/friends you only get the people that installed the app.

You have the new invitable-friends, but you are not allowed to use this unless you also have a canvas app.

So, it looks like you cannot invite Facebook friends in a app/game that only lives on mobile? Or am I missing something?

Same problem…

Method doesn’t changed from v1. Only new dialog appears.

facebook.dialog(“apprequests”, {title=" “, message=” ", ids=nil})
– if ids are nil then dialog opens with list of all friends, else give string of comma separated ids.

Table with parameters is very important. Some of them are mandatory (like title or message), other must be correct (like passing empty string to ids field results in crash on fb side). For details search for apprequests dialog on

From thiz you can send invites or requests (for already playing friends)

Same problem…

Method doesn’t changed from v1. Only new dialog appears.

facebook.dialog(“apprequests”, {title=" “, message=” ", ids=nil})
– if ids are nil then dialog opens with list of all friends, else give string of comma separated ids.

Table with parameters is very important. Some of them are mandatory (like title or message), other must be correct (like passing empty string to ids field results in crash on fb side). For details search for apprequests dialog on

From thiz you can send invites or requests (for already playing friends)

Does anyone know of the correct implementation of inviting friends (who have not installed your app) to install the app? Using apprequests and showDialog?

Does anyone know of the correct implementation of inviting friends (who have not installed your app) to install the app? Using apprequests and showDialog?