iOS 17 builds and MinimumOSVersion

We did an iOS 17 build with Solar 3699 and when uploading via transporter, it told us there was an issue with our plist saying one minimum os and the app saying another.

Our MinimumOSVersion in build.settings is 9.0. I did vtool show on the binary and it showed the minimum OS version as 11.0.

Is Solar forcing the minimum OS up to 11, even though build.settings/plist says 9?

I went back down to XCode 14.2 and built just fine with iOS 16, no issues submitting.

Yeah, iOS 17 introduced a bunch of changes that required raising the minimum to 11

Source: error in Xcode File not found: /Ap… | Apple Developer Forums

Xcode 14.3+ issue

Okay, thanks for the insight. I guess we’ll be stuck building for iOS 16 for a bit, still have customer on iOS 10 and even a few on 9.

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