iOS 8.1.3 problem with iPhone 6 and Vungle ad feedback

I encountered a problem on an iPhone 6 with iOS 8.1.3 and noticed a big difference in the vungle ad listener feedback.

I’m doing the following:

VungleAdsListener = function(event)     if event.type == "adStart" and event.isError then         print("Downloading video ad ...")     elseif event.type == "adEnd" then         print ("Hope you enjoyed the video!")     elseif event.isCompletedView == true then         -- means the user has watched 80% of the video...         \_G.vimeoVideoWasWatched=true     else         if event.type then             print ("event: "..event.type)         end     end end

This code is working perfectly on an iPad with an older iOS 7.x and is also tested on an iPad using 6.x
 meaning the event.isCompletedView == true state is checked correctly and the variable _G.vimeoVideoWasWatched is set true.

With an iPhone 6 (and iOS 8.1.3) it looks like the event is not checked because the variable _G.vimeoVideoWasWatched is NOT set to true in the listener.

Can someone please tell me if this is a problem with the new iOS, the iPhone6, the current vungle version, my code, etc. ?

Thanks for your help with this!


PS: I’m using an “incentivized” ad!

I am having the same issue.  Code that previously worked is not firing because it is not getting event.isCompletedView == true.  Simple print debug statements never happen.  In iOS simulator, it is working.  On iPhone running iOS 8.1.3, it is not working.

Hi Daniela and mkauble;

Have you two seen or heard anything new on this. I want to implement a rewarded video setup (without server-to-server) and having event.isCompletedView be reliable is a must. Is there a Vungle person that monitors the forum?



I haven’t followed up after getting no info on this. I build my own solution using a timer for tracking how much time was spend watching to get the info if a video was watched over 80%.

Hi all, 

Apologies on the delay- this one must have slipped through our radar. Our iOS team is now working on it and I will update you when we’ve got more info!



Hi Jordyn;

Thanks for the followup. Look forward to a solution.


Adverts works fine when I test on my iPad Mini. But when I test my iPhone 6 , it’s not displaying adverts.

*** My issue is from test limits displaying ads for each device. ***

Chris from Vungle was very helpful in my resolution. Great customer support.

Hi Henson802;

I don’t understand your post. What are you referring to in the line that says:

"     *** This was fixed with latest corona build   "

Are you referring to “event.isCompletedView” and the fact that it doesn’t get fired with iPhone 6s (topic of this thread)??



@sbullock … No sorry, I misunderstood the issue I was having. It actually stems from daily test limits of ads for each device. I figured since, at the time, ads were displaying on iPad mini and not iphone6 that there were more issues revolving around iphone6 and iOS 8.1.3. I’ll edit my previous post now

Thanks Henson802. Appreciate your edit.

I believe this issue is still outstanding and unaddressed. (Jordyn of Vungle - anything??)


Hi all, 

We are still working on this issue. I don’t have an update just yet, but I am pushing on the team to get this through. Will update soon! :slight_smile:


Developer Programs Engineer


I am having the same issue.  Code that previously worked is not firing because it is not getting event.isCompletedView == true.  Simple print debug statements never happen.  In iOS simulator, it is working.  On iPhone running iOS 8.1.3, it is not working.

Hi Daniela and mkauble;

Have you two seen or heard anything new on this. I want to implement a rewarded video setup (without server-to-server) and having event.isCompletedView be reliable is a must. Is there a Vungle person that monitors the forum?



I haven’t followed up after getting no info on this. I build my own solution using a timer for tracking how much time was spend watching to get the info if a video was watched over 80%.

Hi all, 

Apologies on the delay- this one must have slipped through our radar. Our iOS team is now working on it and I will update you when we’ve got more info!



Hi Jordyn;

Thanks for the followup. Look forward to a solution.


Adverts works fine when I test on my iPad Mini. But when I test my iPhone 6 , it’s not displaying adverts.

*** My issue is from test limits displaying ads for each device. ***

Chris from Vungle was very helpful in my resolution. Great customer support.

I’m going to bump this post because I believe I’m having the same problem. My listener is not being called by “ads.init”, so the video will play but I can’t react to events, which is entirely necessary. I’m testing on iOS 8.3.


Hi Henson802;

I don’t understand your post. What are you referring to in the line that says:

"     *** This was fixed with latest corona build   "

Are you referring to “event.isCompletedView” and the fact that it doesn’t get fired with iPhone 6s (topic of this thread)??



@sbullock … No sorry, I misunderstood the issue I was having. It actually stems from daily test limits of ads for each device. I figured since, at the time, ads were displaying on iPad mini and not iphone6 that there were more issues revolving around iphone6 and iOS 8.1.3. I’ll edit my previous post now