iOS 9 and system.getPreference( "ui", "language" ) - return value format changed

in iOS 9 system.getPreference( “ui”, “language” ) is returned in different format then before. Now langage value look like en-EN and not like before ( just en )

Hi @gtatarkin,

This is a change in iOS 9 that we don’t control. If you are using that to detect the UI language by 2 characters, I expect you’ll need to parse the returned string and check for (presumably) just the first two characters.

Best regards,


Hi @gtatarkin,

This is a change in iOS 9 that we don’t control. If you are using that to detect the UI language by 2 characters, I expect you’ll need to parse the returned string and check for (presumably) just the first two characters.

Best regards,
