Tired iOS 9 and 9.0.1, both show the same problem on the iPhone 6.
They’re PNGs.
2KB at 1x (also present in 2x and 4x)
255x58, RGB color mode, Depth 8, Interlace Type 0
Here’s how they’re being loaded:
local platform = display.newImageRect(mainGroup.objectGroup, "images/platform"..object["type"]..n..".png", object["widthHeight"][1], object["widthHeight"][2]) platform.anchorX=0.5; platform.anchorY=0; platform.x = object["position"][1]+(480\*object["screen"]); platform.y = object["position"][2]; platform.name = "platform" ... local physicsShape = { -rad, -height, rad, -height, rad, platform.height\*0.5, -rad, platform.height\*0.5 } physics.addBody( platform, "static", { friction=0.1, bounce=0, shape=physicsShape} );
and config:
application = { content = { -- graphicsCompatibility = 1, width = 320, height = 480, scale = "zoomStretch", imageSuffix = { ["@2x"] = 2, ["@4x"] = 4, }, }, }