iOS build error: resource fork, finder information or similar detritus not allowed.

Hi community

An old customer asked me to update an 3 year old project. I downloaded Xcode, Solar2D, provisioning profile/certificates.

Everything went really smooth, the old source code ran perfectly in simulator, until I tried to build for iOS. I got the following error.

ERROR: code signing embedded frameworks failed: /Users/user/My Source Code/Builds/ resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed

I then disabled Facebook plugin on iOS since I figured Facebook might have had lots of changes and I need to do something, but then another plugin complained.

ERROR: code signing embedded frameworks failed: /Users/user/My Source Code/Builds/ replacing existing signature

/Users/user/My Source Code/Builds/ resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed

Xcode 16.2

Solar2D 2025.3718 (2025.3.7)

Searching for “detritus” only found posts from around 2016-2017.

I tried manually delete old builds. Is there other old cache folder I can delete to try fix the problem or other solutions? I have a valid distribution provisioning profile.

Any ideas what to do?

Best regards


THIS PART IS SOLVED: Still looking for solution for original problem.

Update… I now tried to clear project sandbox. Now the simulator crashes when I open my app source code.

Here’s are the commands to enter in the Terminal to shunt the simulator console output to the Terminal so you can see what’s causing the crash:

  • disable Solar2d console so errors show up in terminal:
    defaults write com.coronalabs.Corona\_Simulator no-console YES
  • start from command like this (replace 3709 with whatever build you’re using):
    /Applications/Corona-3709/Corona\\ Simulator
  • re-enable Solar2d console when done:
    defaults delete com.coronalabs.Corona\_Simulator no-console
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Thank you. The simulator works again, but I’m again stuck on the main and first error I wrote about.

Case closed. Found out all my problems came from iCloud syncing the files. If I put the source code and compiled to a location without online sync, then everything works.