i’m getting the following errors when trying to use to application loader to load my new ios app. it is referring to “/Icon” directories that do not exist. for example, /images/cardbuttons/Icon ’ with a name that contains invalid characters. Avoid using control characters in the file names." i have a directory called /Images/cardbuttons, but there is no Icon directory or filename that has the name Icon. this is the same for the other directories in the project: /sound, /images, /cards
i don’t have a directory called _CodeSignature??
can anyone help so i can get my app submitted? thanks!
1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems:
/var/folders/wk/7y1zqbf54ll01t6g3z72xpjh0000gn/T/52987FD9-D962-46A1-8E61-FFE84C76811D/1128904583.itmsp - Error Messages:
ERROR ITMS-90328: “Your package contains a file 'Next Street Poker Odds - Texas Holdem.app/images/cardbuttons/Icon ’ with a name that contains invalid characters. Avoid using control characters in the file names.”
ERROR ITMS-90328: “Your package contains a file 'Next Street Poker Odds - Texas Holdem.app/sound/Icon ’ with a name that contains invalid characters. Avoid using control characters in the file names.”
ERROR ITMS-90328: “Your package contains a file 'Next Street Poker Odds - Texas Holdem.app/images/Icon ’ with a name that contains invalid characters. Avoid using control characters in the file names.”
ERROR ITMS-90328: “Your package contains a file 'Next Street Poker Odds - Texas Holdem.app/images/cards/Icon ’ with a name that contains invalid characters. Avoid using control characters in the file names.”
ERROR ITMS-90328: “Your package contains a file 'Next Street Poker Odds - Texas Holdem.app/_CodeSignature/Icon ’ with a name that contains invalid characters. Avoid using control characters in the file names.”