Goodmorning everyone
I’m using FCM for push notifications on IOS and android.
Everything ok for android, on IOS I just can’t.
I can’t find a tutorial to help me.
A question, when I create the IOS notification on the fire notification site of firebase, asks me to install cocoa pods, do I have to? I have already created an IOS developer certificate with push notification enabled, and I entered the .p8 key on firebase.
but when you open the APP on IOS and launch the notifications.getDeviceToken () function it returns unknown to me.
I hope someone can help me.
Thank you all
file main
local notifications = require( “plugin.notifications.v2” )
notifications.registerForPushNotifications({useFCM = true})
notifications.subscribe( “ok” )
local function notificationListener( event )
–native.showAlert(‘Event:’, event.type, {‘ok’})
myText.text = notifications.getDeviceToken()
Runtime:addEventListener(‘notification’, notificationListener)
file build
plugins =
[“plugin.notifications.v2”] =
publisherId = “com.coronalabs”
iphone = {
plist = {
UIStatusBarHidden = false,
UIPrerenderedIcon = true, – set to false for “shine” overlay
–UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = true, – uncomment to quit app on suspend
UIBackgroundModes = { “remote-notification” },
FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled = false,
CFBundleIconFiles =